The Week Ahead 16th – 23rd June


+++ Benfleet Yacht Club Camping Trip +++ 22nd – 23rd June

Dear Members,

This coming Saturday 22nd June is the annual sail and camping trip to Benfleet Yacht Club

Muster time 10:00 at TEYC (please try to be punctual)
Sail-Away from TEYC is around 11:30am. Sail time will depend on wind speed and direction, but we aim to arrive before HW.

The BYC galley will be open for lunches upon arrival and the bar will of course be very open. BYC will be hosting the BBQ for us on Saturday evening at somewhere around 6pm and they will be supplying the food, which usually consists of Burgers and Sausages – There will be no charge for this. Should you wish to bring your own food – something other than the above – you may.

You will need to bring your own breakfast items for Sunday morning to cook on the club BBQ.

IMPORTANT:- BYC are kindly hosting this event for us and providing a free BBQ so
Please make use of the Benfleet YC club bar for your drinks and only consume your own alcohol after it closes.

We don’t have a guitarist this year so if any of you are budding musicians and fancy providing us with some entertainment, please let me know.

Any dogs MUST be kept on a lead at all times please.

We will aim to leave Benfleet around 13:00am on Sunday.

HW Sat = 13:39
HW Sun = 14:23

As always we will need some help taking equipment by road on the day, if you can help with this it would be greatly appreciated. If you wish to take your camping stuff over Friday evening you may do – please contact me to arrange:-

In the case of high winds or inclement weather we will go “Rubber over Tarmac”

Paul Hunt
Rear Commodore

Calling all members. Work Party Sunday 30th June

Start time 10.30am for painting, varnishing and maintenance around the clubhouse. Wear old clothes.

David Taylor
Vice Commodore

NNSS advice for Boaters

As we know many members take part in water activities in places other than the TEYC, please see the following message from Richard Bond:

“Hi all,
I’m currently assisting Chelmer canal trust to control floating pennywort it was first discovered in Essex and with your help we can hopefully get it under control and stop it spreading.

Below is a link to invasive species information on the NNSS website, at the bottom of that page are some good RYA advice videos.
If we can help spread awareness rather than invasive species that’s a positive!
Thank you!”




Football @ TEYC: Denmark vs England: from 17:00
Craft Club: 19:00

Bar Open



Bar Open: 20:00
Your bar stars Sharon Riddell & Paul Hunt



CAMP to BYC See the Notice Board above for details
Muster: 10:00
Support Boat 1: Helm: Kev Riddell / Crew: Gemma Riddell
Support Boat 2: Helm: Volunteer required – please login to Dutyman / Crew: Charlene Field
HW 13:39 / Height 5.41



Support Boat 1: Helm: Kev Riddell / Crew: Gemma Riddell
Support Boat 2: Helm: Volunteer required – please login to Dutyman / Crew: Charlene Field
HW 14:23 / Height 5.48

Bar open: 13:00 – 16:00



Saturday 29th June

Nore Race

Sunday 3oth June
Work Party

Monday 1st July
Evening Handicap 4 & Cadet Sail

Friday 5th July
Cadet Night
Nore Race Prizegiving

Saturday 6th July
Commodore’s Day- adult/cadet race

Sunday 7th July
Derek Howlett Trophy